Quantity | Category | Dimension | Name | Symbol | Conversion |
length | SI, base | L | metre | m | (base unit) |
extra | astronomical unit | AU | 1 AU = 149 597 870 700 m | ||
extra | parsec | pc | 1 pc = (648 000/π) au = 3.085 678...×10¹⁶ m | ||
extra | lightyear | lyr | 1 lyr = c × 365.25 d = 9 460 730 472 580 800 m | ||
extra | atomic unit of length, bohr | a₀ | 1 a₀ = 0.529 177 2108(18)×10⁻¹⁰ m | ||
extra | ångström | Å | 1 Å = 10⁻¹⁰ m | ||
imperial | nautical mile | M | 1 M = 1852 m | ||
imperial | mile, international mile | mi | 1 mi = 5280 ft = 1609.344 m | ||
imperial | yard | yd | 1 yd = 0.9144 m | ||
imperial | international foot | ', ft | 1 ft = 0.3048 m | ||
imperial | inch | ", in | 39.37 in = 1 m | ||
mass | SI, base | M | kilogram | kg | (base unit) |
SI | tonne, metric ton | t | 1 t = 10³ kg | ||
extra | dalton | Da | 1 Da = 1.660 538 86(28)×10⁻²⁷ kg | ||
extra | unified atomic mass unit | u | 1 u = 1 Da | ||
extra | natural unit of mass | m_e | 1 m_e = 9.109 3826(16)×10⁻³¹ kg | ||
extra | earth mass | M_Earth | 1 M_Earth (see table) | ||
extra | jupiter mass | M_Jupiter | 1 M_Jupiter (see table) | ||
extra | solar mass | M_Sun | 1 M_Sun (see table) | ||
imperial | photometric carat | carat | 1 carat = 2×10⁻⁴ kg | ||
imperial | pound | lb | 1 lb = 4.535 923 7×10⁻¹ kg | ||
imperial | ounce | oz | 1 oz = 2.834 952×10⁻² kg | ||
time, duration | SI, base | T | second | s | (base unit) |
SI | minute | min | 1 min = 60 s | ||
SI | hour | h | 1 h = 60 min = 3 600 s | ||
SI | day | d | 1 d = 24 h = 86 400 s | ||
SI | week | w | 1 w = 7 d = 604 800 s | ||
SI | calendar month | 1 calendar month = 30 d = 2 592 000 s | |||
SI | calendar year | 1 calendar yr = 365.25 d = 3.155 760×10⁷ s | |||
SI | (gregorian) month | 1 month = 1/12 yr = 2629746 s | |||
SI | (gregorian) year | yr | 1 yr = 365.25 d = 3.155 695 2×10⁷ s | ||
extra | sidereal year | 1 sidereal year = 3.155 815×10⁷ s | |||
extra | tropical year | 1 tropical year = 3.155 693×10⁷ s | |||
extra | natural unit of time | ħ/(m_e c²) | 1 ħ/(m_e c²) = 1.288 088 6677(86)×10⁻²¹ s | ||
extra | atomic unit of time | ħ/Eh | 1 ħ/Eh = 2.418 884 326 505(16)×10⁻¹⁷ s | ||
electric current | SI, base | I | ampere | A | (base unit) |
thermodynamic temperature | SI, base | Θ | kelvin | K | (base unit) |
SI | degree Celsius | °C | T/K = t/°C + 273.15 | ||
imperial | degree Fahrenheit | °F | T/K = (t/°F - 459.67)/1.8 | ||
imperial | degree Rankine | °R | T/K = (t/°R)/1.8, T/°F = t/°R + 459.67 | ||
amount of substance | SI, base | N | mole | mol | (base unit) |
luminous intensity | SI, base | J | candela | cd | (base unit) |
area | SI | L² | square metre | 1 m² | |
SI | hectare | ha | 1 ha = 10⁴ m² | ||
extra | are | a | 1 a = 10² m² | ||
imperial | barn | b | 1 b = 10⁻²⁸ m² | ||
imperial | acre | A | 1 A = | ||
imperial | international acre | ac | 1 ac = | ||
volume | SI | L³ | cubic metre | 1 m³ | |
SI | litre | l | 1 l = 10⁻³ m³ | ||
speed, velocity | SI | L T⁻¹ | metre per second | 1 m/s | |
SI | kilometre per hour | 1 km/h = (1000/3600) m/s | |||
extra | natural unit of speed | c | 1 c = 299 792 458 m/s (exact) | ||
imperial | knot (nautical mile per hour) | kn | 1 M/h = 1852/3600 m/s | ||
acceleration | SI | L T⁻² | metre per second squared | 1 m/s² | |
CGS | galileo | Gal | 1 Gal = 10⁻² m s⁻² | ||
imperial | standard gravity | g | 1 g = 9.806 65 m/s² | ||
wavenumber | SI | L⁻¹ | reciprocal metre | 1 m⁻¹ | |
density, mass density, mass concentration | SI | L⁻³ M | kilogram per cubic metre | 1 kg/m³ | |
surface density, area density | SI | L⁻² M | kilogram per square metre | 1 kg/m² | |
specific volume | SI | L³ M⁻¹ | cubic metre per kilogram | 1 m³/kg | |
current density | SI | L⁻² I | ampere per square metre | 1 A/m² | |
magnetic field strength, magnetization | SI | L⁻¹ I | ampere per metre | 1 A/m | |
CGS | œrsted | Oe | 1 Oe = (10³/4π) A m⁻¹ | ||
amount concentration, concentration, molar concentration | SI | L⁻³ N | mole per cubic metre | 1 mol/m³ | |
luminance | SI | L⁻² J | candela per square metre | 1 cd/m² | |
CGS | stilb | sb | 1 sb = 10⁴ cd m⁻² | ||
refractive index | removed | 1 | one | 1 | |
relative permeability | removed | 1 | one | 1 | |
angle, plane angle | SI, base | A | radian | rad | 1 rad = 1 m/m (base unit) |
SI | degree | ° | 1 ° = (π/ 180) rad | ||
SI | minute, arcminute | ', amin | 1 ' = (π/ 10 800) rad | ||
SI | second, arcsecond | ", as | 1 " = (π/648 000) rad | ||
extra | gon, grad | gon | 1 gon = (π/ 200) rad | ||
imperial | revolution | r | 1 r = 2π rad | ||
solid angle | SI | A² | steradian | sr | 1 sr = 1 rad² = 1 m²/m² |
frequency | SI | T⁻¹ | hertz | Hz | 1 Hz = 1 s⁻¹ |
force | SI | L M T⁻² | newton | N | 1 N = 1 m kg s⁻² |
CGS | dyne | dyn | 1 dyn = 10⁻⁵ N | ||
imperial | kilogram-force | kgf | 1 kgf = 9.806 65 N | ||
pressure, stress | SI | L⁻¹ M T⁻² | pascal | Pa | 1 Pa = 1 N/m² = 1 m⁻¹ kg s⁻² |
extra | bar | bar | 1 bar = 10⁵ Pa | ||
extra | millimetre of mercury | mmHg | 1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa | ||
imperial | standard atmosphere | atm | 1 atm = 101 325 Pa | ||
imperial | torr | Torr | 1 Torr = (101 325/760) Pa | ||
energy, work, amount of heat | SI | L² M T⁻² | joule | J | 1 J = 1 N m = 1 m² kg s⁻² |
SI | watt hour | 1 W h = 3 600 J | |||
extra | electronvolt | eV | 1 eV = 1.602 176 53(14)×10⁻¹⁹ J | ||
imperial | calorie | cal | 1 cal = 4.184 J | ||
extra | atomic unit of energy, hartree | Eh | 1 Eh = 4.359 744 17(75)×10⁻¹⁸ J | ||
CGS | erg | erg | 1 erg = 10⁻⁷ J | ||
power, radiant flux | SI | L² M T⁻³ | watt | W | 1 W = 1 J/s = 1 m² kg s⁻³ |
electric charge, amount of electricty | SI | T I | coulomb | C | 1 C = 1 s A |
SI | ampere hour | 1 A h = 3 600 A s | |||
extra | atomic unit of charge | e | 1 e = 1.602 176 53(14)×10⁻¹⁹ C | ||
imperial | faraday | F | 1 F = 1 N_A e mol = 96 485.332 89(59) C | ||
electric potential difference, electromotive force | SI | L² M T⁻³ I⁻¹ | volt | V | 1 V = 1 W/A = 1 m² kg s⁻³ A⁻¹ |
capacitance | SI | L⁻² M⁻¹ T⁴ I² | farad | F | 1 F = 1C/V = 1 m⁻² kg⁻¹ s⁴ A² |
electric resitance, impedance | SI | L² M T⁻³ I⁻² | ohm | Ω | 1 Ω = 1V/A = 1 m² kg s⁻³ A⁻² |
electric conductance | SI | L⁻² M⁻¹ T³ I² | siemens | S | 1 S = 1A/V = 1 m⁻² kg⁻¹ s³ A² |
magnetic flux | SI | L² M T⁻² I⁻¹ | weber | Wb | 1 Wb = 1V s = 1 m² kg s⁻² A⁻¹ |
CGS | maxwell | Mx | 1 Mx = 10⁻⁸ Wb | ||
magnetic flux density | SI | M T⁻² I⁻¹ | tesla | T | 1 T = 1 Wb/m² = 1 kg s⁻² A⁻¹ |
CGS | gauss | G | 1 G = 10⁻⁴ T | ||
inductance | SI | L² M T⁻² I⁻² | henry | H | 1 H = 1 Wb/A = 1 m² kg s⁻² A⁻² |
luminous flux | SI | J A² | lumen | lm | 1 lm = 1 cd sr |
illuminance | SI | L⁻² J A² | lux | lx | 1 lx = 1 lm/m² = 1 m⁻² cd sr |
CGS | phot | ph | 1 ph = 10⁴ lx | ||
luminosity, radiant intensity | SI | L² M T⁻³ A⁻² | watt per steradian | W/sr | 1 W/sr = 1 m² kg s⁻³ |
extra | solar luminosity | L_Sun | 1 L_sun (see table) | ||
number of radioactive events, counts | SI, base | C | count | Count | 1 (base unit) |
activity referred to a radionuclide | SI | T⁻¹ C | becquerel | Bq | 1 Bq = 1 Count s⁻¹ |
imperial | curie | Ci | 1 Ci = 3.7×10¹⁰ Bq | ||
absorbed does, specific energy (imparted), kerma | SI | L² T⁻² | gray | Gy | 1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 1 m² s⁻² |
imperial | rad | rd | 1 rd = 10⁻² Gy | ||
dose equivalent, ambient does equivalent, personal dose equivalent | SI | S L² T⁻² | sievert | Sv | 1 Sv = 1 J/kg = 1 m² s⁻² |
imperial | roentgen equivalent man (rem) | rem | 1 rem = 10⁻² Sv | ||
radiation weighting factor | SI, base | S | sievert per gray | 1 Sv/Gy (base unit) | |
tissue weighting factor | removed | 1 | one | 1 | |
catalytic activity | SI | T⁻¹ N | katal | kat | 1 kat = 1 s⁻¹ mol |
dynamic viscosity | SI | L⁻¹ M T⁻¹ | pascal second | 1 Pa s = 1 m⁻¹ kg s⁻¹ | |
CGS | poise | P | 1 P = 0.1 Pa s = 0.1 m⁻¹ kg s⁻¹ | ||
moment of force, torque | SI | L² M T⁻² A⁻¹ | joule per radian | 1 J/rad = 1 m² kg s⁻² | |
surface tension | SI | M T⁻² | newton per metre | 1 N/m = 1 kg s⁻² | |
angular velocity | SI | T⁻¹ A | radian per second | 1 rad/s = 1 m m⁻¹ s⁻¹ | |
imperial | revolution per minute | rpm | 1 rpm = (2π/60) rad/s | ||
angular acceleration | SI | T⁻² A | radian per second squared | 1 rad/s² = 1 m m⁻¹ s⁻² | |
heat flux density, irradiance, intensity | SI | M T⁻³ | watt per square metre | 1 W/m² = 1 kg s⁻³ | |
spectral heat flux density, spectral irradiance | SI | M T⁻² | watt per square metre hertz | 1 W/m²Hz = 1 kg s⁻² | |
(implemented in terms of surface tension) | SI | Jansky | Jy | 1 Jy = 10⁻²⁶ W/m²Hz = 1 kg s⁻² | |
heat capacity, entropy | SI | L² M T⁻² Θ⁻¹ | joule per kelvin | 1 J/K = 1 m² kg s⁻² K⁻¹ | |
specific heat capacity, specific entropy | SI | L² T⁻² Θ⁻¹ | joule per kilogram kelvin | 1 J/(kg K) = 1 m² s⁻² K⁻¹ | |
specific energy (implemented in terms of absorbed dose) | SI | L² T⁻² | joule per kilogram | 1 J/kg = 1 m² s⁻² | |
thermal conductivity | SI | L M T⁻³ Θ⁻¹ | watt per metre kelvin | 1 W/(m K) = 1 m kg s⁻³ K⁻¹ | |
energy density (implemented in terms of pressure) | SI | L⁻¹ M T⁻² | joule per cubic metre | 1 J/m³ = 1 m⁻¹ kg s⁻² | |
electric field strength | SI | L M T⁻³ I⁻¹ | volt per metre | 1 V/m = 1 m kg s⁻³ A⁻¹ | |
electric charge density | SI | L⁻³ T I | coulomb per cubic metre | 1 C/m³ = 1 m⁻³ s A | |
surface charge density, electric flux density, electric displacement | SI | L⁻² T I | coulomb per square metre | 1 C/m² = 1 m⁻² s A | |
permittivity | SI | L⁻³ M⁻¹ T⁴ I² | farad per metre | 1 F/m = 1 m⁻³ kg⁻¹ s⁴ A² | |
permeability | SI | L M T⁻² I⁻² | henry per metre | 1 H/m = 1 m kg s⁻² A⁻² | |
molar energy, chemical potential | SI | L² M T⁻² N⁻¹ | joule per mole | 1 J/mol = 1 m² kg s⁻² mol⁻¹ | |
molar entropy, molar heat capacity | SI | L² M T⁻² Θ⁻¹ N⁻¹ | joule per mole kelvin | 1 J/(mol K) = 1 m² kg s⁻² K⁻¹ mol⁻¹ | |
exposure (x- and γ-rays) | SI | M⁻¹ T I | coulomb per kilogram | 1 C/kg = 1 kg⁻¹ s A | |
imperial | roentgen | R | 1 R = 2.58×10⁻⁴ C/kg | ||
absorbed dose rate | SI | L² T⁻³ | gray per second | 1 Gy/s = 1 m² s⁻³ | |
radiance | SI | M T⁻³ A² | watt per square metre steradian | 1 W/(m² sr) = 1 kg s⁻³ | |
catalytic activity concentration, reaction rate | SI | L⁻³ T⁻¹ N | katal per cubic metre | 1 kat/m³ = 1 m⁻³ s⁻¹ mol | |
action | SI | L² M T⁻¹ | joule second | 1 J s = 1 m² kg s⁻¹ | |
extra | natural unit of action | ħ | 1 ħ = 1.054 571 68(18)×10⁻³⁴ J s | ||
kinematic viscosity | SI | L² T⁻¹ | square metre per second | 1 m²/s | |
CGS | stokes | St | 1 St = 10⁻⁴ m² s⁻¹ | ||
dimensionless quantities | SI, base | 1 | one | 1 | |
SI, base | percent | % | 1 % = 10⁻² | ||
SI, base | permille | ‰ | 1 ‰ = 10⁻³ | ||
extra | parts per million | ppm | 1 ppm = 10⁻⁶ | ||
amount of data, disk space | SI, data | B | bit | bit | (base unit) |
SI, data | byte | B | 1 B = 8 bit | ||
speed of data transfer, bandwidth | SI, data | T⁻¹ B | bit per second | 1 bit/s | |
SI, data | byte per second | 1 byte/s = 8 bit/s | |||
screen position | data | X | pixel | px | (base unit) |
screen area | data | X² | pixel | pixel | 1 pixel = 1 px² |
line density | extra | L⁻¹ M | kilogram per metre | 1 kg/m | |
absement | extra | L T | metre second | 1 m s | |
jerk | not implemented | L T⁻³ | metre per cubic second | 1 m s⁻³ | |
snap | not implemented | L T⁻⁴ | metre per quartic second | 1 m s⁻⁴ | |
crackle | not implemented | L T⁻⁵ | metre per second to the 5th | 1 m s⁻⁵ | |
pop | not implemented | L T⁻⁶ | metre per second to the 6th | 1 m s⁻⁶ | |
electric conductivity | extra | L⁻³ M⁻¹ T³ I² | siemens per metre | S/m | 1 S/m = 1A/V m = 1 m⁻³ kg⁻¹ s³ A² |
electric resitivity | extra | L³ M T⁻³ I⁻² | ohm metre | Ω m | 1 Ω m = 1V m/A = 1 m kg s⁻³ A⁻² |
momentum, impulse | SI | L M T⁻¹ | newton second | N s | 1 N s = 1 m kg s⁻¹ |
angular momentum | SI | L² M T⁻¹ A⁻¹ | newton metre second per radian | N m s/rad | 1 N m s/rad = 1 m² kg s⁻¹ rad⁻¹ |
moment of inertia | SI | L² M A⁻² | square metre kilogram per steradian | m² kg/sr | 1 m² kg rad⁻² |
quantity = value unit .
unit = system (one|prefix|user defined prefix) dimension .
dimension = {(base|user defined base) power} .
base = L | M | T | I | Θ | N | J | A | C | S | B | X . //See table of dimensions
prefix = (yocto | zepto | ... | yotta) //See table of prefixes
The following physical constants are implemented in benri/si/base.h
. They can be used either as a constant or a symbol with benri::si::constant::NAME
or benri::si::symbol::NAME
Name | Symbol | Value | benri name | Conversion |
speed of light | c | 299 792 458 m/s (exact) | speed_of_light | 1 m s⁻¹ |
magnetic constant | μ₀ | 4π×10⁻⁷ H/m (exact) | magnetic_constant | 1 H/m = 1 m kg s⁻² A⁻² |
electric constant | ε₀ = 1/μ₀c² | 8.854 178 817...×10⁻¹² F/m | electric_constant | 1 F/m = 1 m⁻³ kg⁻¹ s⁴ A² |
gravitational constant | G | 6.674 08(31)×10⁻¹¹ m³ kg⁻¹ s⁻² | gravitational_constant | 1 m³ kg⁻¹ s⁻² |
Planck constant | h | 6.626 070 040(81)×10⁻³⁴ J s | planck_constant | 1 J s = 1 m² kg s⁻¹ |
reduced Planck constant | ħ = h/2π | 1.054 571 800(13)×10⁻³⁴ J s | reduced_planck_constant | 1 J s = 1 m² kg s⁻¹ |
elementary charge | e | 1.602 176 6208(98)×10⁻¹⁹ C | elementary_charge | 1 C = 1 s A |
fine-structure constant | α = e²/4πε₀ħc = e²μ₀c/2h | 7.297 352 5664(17)×10⁻³ | fine_structure_constant | 1 |
inverse fine-structure constant | α⁻¹ | 137.035 999 139(31) | inverse_fine_structure_constant | 1 |
electron mass | m_e | 9.109 383 56(11)×10⁻³¹ kg | electron_mass | 1 kg |
proton mass | m_p | 1.672 621 898(21)×10⁻²⁷ kg | proton_mass | 1 kg |
muon mass | m_μ | 1.883 531 594(48)×10⁻²⁸ kg | muon_mass | 1 kg |
tau mass | m_τ | 3.167 47(29)×10⁻²⁷ kg | tau_mass | 1 kg |
neutron mass | m_n | 1.674 927 471(21)×10⁻²⁷ kg | neutron_mass | 1 kg |
deuteron mass | m_d | 3.343 583 719(41)×10⁻²⁷ kg | deuteron_mass | 1 kg |
triton mass | m_t | 5.007 356 665(62)×10⁻²⁷ kg | triton_mass | 1 kg |
helion mass | m_h | 5.006 412 700(62)×10⁻²⁷ kg | helion_mass | 1 kg |
α particle mass | m_α | 6.644 657 230(82)×10⁻²⁷ kg | alpha_particle_mass | 1 kg |
Rydberg constant | R_∞ = α²m_e c/2h | 10 973 731.568 508(65) m⁻¹ | rydberg_constant | 1 m⁻¹ |
Bohr radius | a₀ = α/4πR_∞ | 0.529 177 210 67(12)×10⁻¹⁰ m | bohr_radius | 1 m |
Bohr magneton | μ_B = eħ/2m_e | 927.400 9994(57)×10⁻²⁶ J/T | bohr_magneton | 1 J/T = 1 m² A |
Avogadro constant | N_A | 6.022 140 857(74)×10²³ mol⁻¹ | avogadro_constant | 1 mol⁻¹ |
Faraday constant | F = N_A e | 96 485.332 89(59) C/mol | faraday_constant | 1 C/mol = 1 s A mol⁻¹ |
molar gas constant | R | 8.314 4598(48) J/(mol K) | molar_gas_constant | 1 J/(mol K) = 1 m² kg s⁻² mol⁻¹ K⁻¹ |
Boltzmann constant | k = R/N_A | 1.380 648 52(79)×10⁻²³ J/K | boltzmann_constant | 1 J/K = 1 m² kg s⁻² K⁻¹ |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant | σ = π²k⁴/60 ħ³c² | 5.670 367(13)×10⁻⁸ W m⁻² K⁻⁴ sr⁻¹ | stefan_boltzmann_constant | 1 W m⁻² K⁻⁴ sr⁻¹ = 1 kg s⁻³ K⁻⁴ sr⁻¹ |
magnetic flux quantum | φ₀ = h/2e | 2.067 833 831(13)×10⁻¹⁵ Wb | magnetic_flux_quantum | 1 Wb = 1 m² kg s⁻² A⁻¹ |
Josephson constant | K_J = 2e/h | 483 597.8525(30)×10⁹ Hz/V | josephson_constant | 1 Hz/V = 1 m⁻² kg⁻¹ s² A |
von Klitzing constant | R_K = h/e² | 25 812.807 4555(59) Ω | von_klitzing_constant | 1 Ω = 1 m² kg s⁻³ A⁻² |
atomic mass unit | u | 1.660 538 86(28)×10⁻²⁷ kg | atomic_mass_unit | 1 kg |
Hartree energy | E_h = e²/4πε₀a₀ | 4.359 744 650(54)×10⁻¹⁸ J | hartree_energy | 1 J = 1 m² kg s⁻² |
conductance quantum | G₀ = 2e²/h | 7.748 091 7310(18)×10⁻⁵ S | conductance_quantum | 1 S = 1 m⁻² kg⁻¹ s³ A² |
inverse conductance quantum | G₀⁻¹ | 12 906.403 7278(29) Ω | inverse_conductance_quantum | 1 Ω = 1 m² kg s⁻³ A⁻² |
vacuum impedance | Z₀ = μ₀c | 376.730 313 461... Ω | vacuum_impedance | 1 Ω = 1 m² kg s⁻³ A⁻² |
Nuclear magneton | μ_N = eħ/2m_p | 5.050 783 699(31)×10⁻²⁷ J/T | nuclear_magneton | 1 J/T = 1 m² A |
The following mathematical constants are implemented in benri/si/base.h
. They can be used either as a constant or a symbol with benri::si::constant::NAME
or benri::si::symbol::NAME
Name | Symbol | Value | benri name |
Pi (Archimedes constant) | π | 3.141592653589... | pi |
π/4 | quarter_pi | ||
π/2 | half_pi | ||
2π | two_pi | ||
Euler constant | e | 2.718281828459... | e |
Golden ratio | φ | 1.618033988749... | phi |
Euler Mascheroni constant | γ | 0.577215664901... | gamma |
Square root of two | √2 | 1.414213562373... | root_two |
The following astronomical constants are implemented in benri/si/astronomic.h
. They can be used either as a constant or a symbol with benri::si::constant::NAME
or benri::si::symbol::NAME
Warning: I could not find a good reference for these values. They might be wrong.
Name | Symbol | Value | benri name | Conversion |
Solar mass parameter | GM_S | 1.327 124 40×10²⁰ m³ s⁻² | 1 m³ s⁻² | |
Solar luminosity | L_S | 3.939×10²⁶ W/sr | 1 W/sr = 1 | |
Sun-Jupiter mass ratio | M_S/M_J | 1.047 348 644×10³ | 1 | |
Sun-Earth mass ratio | M_S/M_E | 322 946.0487 | 1 | |
Solar mass | M_S = (GM_S)G⁻¹ | 1.988 474 491×10³⁰ kg | 1 kg | |
Jupiter mass | M_J = (GM_S)(M_S/M_J)⁻¹G⁻¹ | 1.898 579 334×10²⁷ kg | 1 kg | |
Earth mass | M_E = (GM_S)(M_S/M_E)⁻¹G⁻¹ | 6.157 296 241×10²⁴ kg | 1 kg |
The following base dimensions are implemented in benri/impl/dimensions.h
. They can be accessed with benri::dimension::NAME
Name | Symbol | benri name |
length | L | L |
mass | M | M |
time, duration | T | T |
electric current | I | I |
thermodynamic temperature | Θ | H |
amount of substance | N | N |
luminous intensity | J | J |
angle, plane angle | A | A |
number of radioactive events, counts | C | C |
helper for sievert units | S | S |
amount of data, bits, bytes | B | B |
screen position | X | X |
degree Celsius | °C | degC |
degree Fahrenheit | °F | degF |
The following derived dimensions are implemented in benri/impl/dimensions.h
. They can be accessed with benri::dimension::NAME
Name | benri name |
length | L |
The following SI prefixes are implemented in benri/si/base.h
. They can be accessed with benri::dimension::NAME
Name | Symbol | Value | benri name |
yocto | y | 10⁻²⁴ | yocto |
zepto | z | 10⁻²¹ | zepto |
atto | a | 10⁻¹⁸ | atto |
femto | f | 10⁻¹⁵ | femto |
pico | p | 10⁻¹² | pico |
nano | n | 10⁻⁹ | nano |
micro | μ | 10⁻⁶ | micro |
milli | m | 10⁻³ | milli |
centi | c | 10⁻² | centi |
deci | d | 10⁻¹ | deci |
one | 10⁰ | one | |
deca | da | 10¹ | deca |
hecto | h | 10² | hecto |
kilo | k | 10³ | kilo |
mega | M | 10⁶ | mega |
giga | G | 10⁹ | giga |
tera | T | 10¹² | tera |
peta | P | 10¹⁵ | peta |
exa | E | 10¹⁸ | exa |
zetta | Z | 10²¹ | zetta |
yotta | Y | 10²⁴ | yotta |
The following computer science prefixes are implemented in benri/si/data.h
. They can be accessed with benri::dimension::NAME
Name | Symbol | Value | benri name |
kibi | ki | 2¹⁰ | kibi |
mebi | Mi | 2²⁰ | mebi |
gibi | Gi | 2³⁰ | gibi |
tebi | Ti | 2⁴⁰ | tebi |
pebi | Pi | 2⁵⁰ | pebi |
exbi | Ei | 2⁶⁰ | exbi |
zebi | Zi | 2⁷⁰ | zebi |
yobi | Yi | 2⁸⁰ | yobi |