This project is a compiled version of this sorce code
It can be run with or without wifi, with just a +5 and GND powering the ESP32.
If you want to get fancy, you can also add 2 switches to stop/start the recording, and to turn wifi on/off.
So, here are the lenthy instuctions:
Gnd - Gnd
+5 - +5
When programming, jumper gpio0 to gnd (next pin)
Nice grapics from Dronebot
I have slightly different FTDI module - "shorter wires = fewer brownouts"
If you use a breadboard or long USB cable you will get brownouts on the ESP32.
Another solution is thick wires with nice soldering, and a 100 microFarad capactor between +5 and GND on ESP32
Make sure FTDI has jumper set to 3.3v data for the ESP32 pins
GND - RX - TX in sequence
GND - UOT - UOR in sequnce, giving us the RX-UOT flip, and jumper on GND-Gpio0
Plug in +5 to start in program mode
Unplug +5, remove GND-Gpio0 jumper, put power back, and we are filming. (Several steps below of programming before you do this.)
Make sure the com port is free -- not connected to arduino console for example
There are three on them here due to awkward plugging
- The first 6 lines are the standard boot message.
- The Program starts
- You have nothing in EPROM
- Mount the SD card, and you have no config.txt
- Create a config.txt, and display the parameters, ...
- More prarmeters
- The ssid1234 is the code for no-wifi
- Create log file on sd, with your camera name and #1 session
- Set up camera
- Check you have 4MB of psram
- Start camera and print out type - ov2640 is the standard camera
- Create some buffers
- Delete the oldest files if your sd is 80% full
- Start the camera and sd taks
- Start recording the movie
- It is desklens1.001.avi or camera name, session #1, movie #1
- You will see this on the console.
- This console only seems to update with a blank line
- You will see a line every 100 frames to show you progress with some nice stats
- And another line on an individual frame with more stats
- Since we screwed up the first recording, use this opportunity to pull out the sd, put it in your computer, and edit the config.txt on the sd card
- These are the files for the first session - the config.txt, the one movie, and the log file for the session.
- They have no dates because with no wifi, we do not know the date
- You can also add your timezone, and parameters or recording to realtime, timepalse, streaming speed, etc as described in config.txt file
- Make sure there are 2 spaces after the number or text, and before the // comment
Another option to SSID and password, is to edit in the word "wifiman" where the ssid should be, then save the file and put it back in the ESP32-CAM. Then the next time you boot, the ESP32-CAM will start the WiFiManager.
- With your phone or computer connect to the WiFi host ESP32-CAM (disconnecting from your home router)
- Click on the ESP32-CAM device - there is no password for this WiFi Host, and it should take you to website
- It will show you this screen, where you click on Configure WiFi
- Select your home router for the ESP32-CAM to connect to (your SSID), and enter the password for your router
- And click Save, and your ESP32-CAM will connect to your router, and your phone should re-connect to your router
- From then on, your ESP32-CAM will remeber your router and connect to it, until you edit in a different ssid/password into the config.txt file
- If you leave your house, it will try for 30 seconds to connect to your home router, and then it will start WiFiManager, and give you 60 seconds to set up a new ssid/password. If at the end of that it cannot connect, it will just start recording with no-wifi.
- You will see these 3 screens
- Reboot message
- You now have Eprom, so goto next session #2
- Mound sd card, and get your new config and display
- Create a new log file for session #2
- Connect to wifi - print out the names to make sure they are correct
- Get the date and time
- Print the ip address
- Regisiter your name "desklens" with your router
- Set up camera
- Start recording desklens2.001.avi
This is how it looks on mine
There is a bugfix to allocate more cookie buffers in ESP32 core
The http index line ... use this to force console to update
- You get cosole messages when streaming begins and ends.
- The console shows it is recording at 12.5 fps (the camera max), but streaming fluxuates a little from 15 down to about 12.
These are your files from session #1 and #2 ... with dates
These mjpeg avi's are big files - not enough ram or cpu time in a ESP32 to compact them.
The ESP32 wifi is about 3.5 Mega-bits-per-second, and in a house with your router 50 feet away, you can get 3 Mbps when you are not recording, or about 2 Mbps when recording, with the on-module antenna. Moving outside you will get slower speeds, and may need an external antenna.
But when you pull out the sd card, and plug it into your computer, you can copy the movies at about 20 Mega-bytes-per-second, or about 80 times faster than the transfer or wifi option. Plus if you are recording, and doing a full speed file transfer, you will really burn out your battery, and heat up the ESP32, so ... it is of modest benefit, unless your camera is remote. The wifi is very good for configuration, looking through the viewfinder, and occasionally grabbing a short avi. I'm working on a version to hop around inside a movie to see if there is anything worth copying to the computer, without downloading the entire thing.
The file will land in your default download directory -- here it is one my Windows computer
After you save the new config, you have to click "End Movie and Reboot" for it to take effect
The recording will be a mjpeg file, which has no sense of time, it just plays the stream as fast as it can.
Any movie that does not end gracefully will not have an index, so vlc will show this, and it will not play at correct speed or length
Here you are 44 seconds into a 21 second movie, from the unplug 5v incident - the movie has no index
- the source code for this program
Here is the fancy version of the hardware - the format switch below now re-used as wifi on/off.
- older version, that will send photos and links to at the end of every movie, and let you download that movie.
- has some PIR controls as well
- this will record photos or realtime/timelapse movies in memory and send the photo or movie to a bot.
- you can use your telegram app on phone or copmputer to request a photo/movie, or have it triggered by a pir or radar module.
- No sd card required for this app, all the output is sent to telegram
I need a coffee! Documentation is exhausting.