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Releases: huggingface/optimum

v1.6.0: Optimum CLI, Stable Diffusion ONNX export, BetterTransformer & ONNX support for more architectures

23 Dec 15:30
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Optimum CLI

The Optimum command line interface is introduced, and is now the official entrypoint for the ONNX export. Example commands:

optimum-cli --help
optimum-cli export onnx --help
optimum-cli export onnx --model bert-base-uncased --task sequence-classification bert_onnx/

Stable Diffusion ONNX export

Optimum now supports the ONNX export of stable diffusion models from the diffusers library:

optimum-cli export onnx --model runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 sd_v15_onnx/

BetterTransformer support for more architectures

BetterTransformer integration includes new models in this release: CLIP, RemBERT, mBART, ViLT, FSMT

The complete list of supported models is available in the documentation.

ONNX export for more architectures

The ONNX export now supports Swin, MobileNet-v1, MobileNet-v2.

Extended ONNX export for encoder-decoder and decoder models

Encoder-decoder or decoder-only models normally making use of the generate() method in transformers can now be exported in several files using the --for-ort argument:

optimum-cli export onnx --model t5-small --task seq2seq-lm-with-past --for-ort t5_small_onnx


└── t5_small_onnx
    ├── config.json
    ├── decoder_model.onnx
    ├── decoder_with_past_model.onnx
    ├── encoder_model.onnx
    ├── special_tokens_map.json
    ├── spiece.model
    ├── tokenizer_config.json
    └── tokenizer.json

Passing --for-ort, exported models are expected to be loadable directly into ORTModel.

  • Add ort export in exporters for encoder-decoder models by @mht-sharma in #497
  • Support decoder generated with --for-ort from optimum.exporters.onnx in ORTDecoder by @fxmarty in #554

Support for ONNX models with external data at export, optimization, quantization

The ONNX export from PyTorch normally creates external data in case the exported model is larger than 2 GB. This release introduces a better support for the export and use of large models, writting all external data into a .onnx_data file if necessary.

  • Handling ONNX models with external data by @NouamaneTazi in #586
  • Improve the compatibility dealing with large ONNX proto in ORTOptimizer and ORTQuantizer by @JingyaHuang in #332

ONNX Runtime API improvement

Various improvements to allow for a better user experience in the ONNX Runtime integration:

  • ORTModel, ORTModelDecoder and ORTModelForConditionalGeneration can now load any ONNX model files regardless of their names, allowing to load optimized and quantized models without having to specify a file name argument.

  • ORTModel.from_pretrained() with from_transformers=True now downloads and loads the model in a temporary directory instead of the cache, which was not a right place to store it.

  • ORTQuantizer.save_pretrained() now saves the model configuration and the preprocessor, making the exported directory usable end-to-end.

  • ORTOptimizer.save_pretrained() now saves the preprocessor, making the exported directory usable end-to-end.

  • ONNX Runtime integration API improvement by @michaelbenayoun in #515

Custom shapes support at ONNX export

The shape of the example input to provide for the export to ONNX can be overridden in case the validity of the ONNX model is sensitive to the shape used during the export.

Read more: optimum-cli export onnx --help

  • Support custom shapes for dummy inputs by @fxmarty in #522
  • Support for custom input shapes in exporters onnx by @fxmarty in #575

Enable use_cache=True for ORTModelForCausalLM

Reusing past key values for models using ORTModelForCausalLM (e.g. gpt2) is now possible using use_cache=True, avoiding to recompute them at each iteration of the decoding:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForCausalLM
import torch

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
model = ORTModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("gpt2", from_transformers=True, use_cache=True)

inputs = tokenizer("My name is Arthur and I live in", return_tensors="pt")

gen_tokens = model.generate(**inputs)
  • Enable past_key_values for ORTModelForCausalLM by @echarlaix in #326

IO binding support for ORTModelForCustomTasks

ORTModelForCustomTasks now supports IO Binding when using CUDAExecutionProvider.

Experimental support to merge ONNX decoder with/without past key values

Along with --for-ort, when passing --task causal-lm-with-past , --task seq2seq-with-past or --task speech2seq-lm-with-past during the ONNX export exports two models: one not using the previously computed keys/values, and one using them.

An experimental support is introduced to merge the two models in one. Example:

optimum-cli export onnx --model t5-small --task seq2seq-lm-with-past --for-ort t5_onnx/
import onnx
from optimum.onnx import merge_decoders

decoder = onnx.load("t5_onnx/decoder_model.onnx")
decoder_with_past = onnx.load("t5_onnx/decoder_with_past_model.onnx")

merged_model = merge_decoders(decoder, decoder_with_past), "t5_onnx/decoder_merged_model.onnx")

Major bugs fixed

Other changes, bugfixes and improvements

Read more

v1.5.2: Patch release

19 Dec 16:26
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Constraint temporarily numpy<1.24.0 (#614)

v1.5.1: Patch release

24 Nov 14:36
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Deprecate PyTorch 1.12. for BetterTransformer with better error message (#513)

v1.5.0: BetterTransformer Integration, IOBinding, Optimum Exporters, and Whisper with ONNX Runtime

17 Nov 16:40
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Convert your model into its PyTorch BetterTransformer format using a one liner with the new BetterTransformer integration for faster inference on CPU and GPU!

from optimum.bettertransformer import BetterTransformer

model = BetterTransformer.transform(model)

Check the full list of supported models in the documentaiton, and check out the Google Colab demo.


  • BetterTransformer integration (#423)
  • ViT and Wav2Vec2 support (#470)

ONNX Runtime IOBinding support

ORT models (except for ORTModelForCustomTasks) now support IOBinding to avoid data copying overheads between the host and device. Significant inference speedup during the decoding process on GPU.

By default, use_io_binding is set to True when using CUDA. You can turn off the IOBinding in case of any memory issue:

from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM

model = ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("optimum/t5-small", use_io_binding=False)


  • Add IOBinding support to ONNX Runtime module (#421)

Optimum Exporters

optimum.exporters is a new module that handles the export of PyTorch and TensorFlow models to several backends. Only ONNX is supported for now, and more than 50 architectures can already be exported, among which BERT, GPT-Neo, Bloom, T5, ViT, Whisper, CLIP.

The export can be done via the CLI:

python -m optimum.exporters.onnx --model openai/whisper-tiny.en whisper_onnx/

For more information, check the documentation.


  • optimum.exporters creation (#403)
  • Automatic task detection (#445)


  • Whisper can be exported to ONNX using optimum.exporters.
  • Whisper can also be exported and ran using optimum.onnxruntime, IO binding is also supported.

Note: For the now the export from optimum.exporters will not be usable by ORTModelForSpeechSeq2Seq. To be able to run inference, export Whisper directly using ORTModelForSpeechSeq2Seq. This will be solved in the next release.


  • Whisper support with optimum.onnxruntime and optimum.exporters (#420)

Other contributions

  • ONNX Runtime training now supports ORT 1.13.1 and transformers 4.23.1 (#434)
  • ORTModel can load models from subfolders in a similar fashion as in transformers (#443)
  • ORTOptimizer has been refactored, and a factory class has been added to create common OptimizationConfigs (#457)
  • Fixes and updates in the documentation (#411, #432, #437, #441)
  • Fixes IOBinding (#454, #461)

v1.4.1: Patch release

26 Oct 08:00
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  • Add inference with ORTModel to ORTTrainer and ORTSeq2SeqTrainer #189
  • Add InferenceSession options and provider to ORTModel #271
  • Add mT5 (#341) and Marian (#393) support to ORTOptimizer
  • Add batchnorm folding torch.fx transformations #348
  • The torch.fx transformations now use the marking methods mark_as_transformed, mark_as_restored, get_transformed_nodes #385
  • Update BaseConfig for transformers 4.22.0 release #386
  • Update ORTTrainer for transformers 4.22.1 release #388
  • Add extra ONNX Runtime quantization options #398
  • Add possibility to pass provider_options to ORTModel #401
  • Add support to pass a specific device for ORTModel, as transformers does for pipelines #427
  • Fixes to support onnxruntime 1.13.1 #430

v1.4.0: ORTQuantizer and ORTOptimizer refactorization

08 Sep 17:56
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ONNX Runtime

  • Refactorization of ORTQuantizer (#270) and ORTOptimizer (#294)
  • Add ONNX Runtime fused Adam Optimizer (#295)
  • Add ORTModelForCustomTasks allowing ONNX Runtime inference support for custom tasks (#303)
  • Add ORTModelForMultipleChoice allowing ONNX Runtime inference for models with multiple choice classification head (#358)

Torch FX

  • Add FuseBiasInLinear a transformation that fuses the weight and the bias of linear modules (#253)

Improvements and bugfixes

  • Enable the possibility to disregard the precomputed past_key_values during ONNX Runtime inference of Seq2Seq models (#241)
  • Enable node exclusion from quantization for benchmark suite (#284)
  • Enable possibility to use a token authentication when loading a calibration dataset (#289)
  • Fix optimum pipeline when no model is given (#301)

v1.3.0: Torch FX transformations, ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM and ORTModelForImageClassification

12 Jul 12:32
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Torch FX

The optimum.fx.optimization module (#232) provides a set of torch.fx graph transformations, along with classes and functions to write your own transformations and compose them.

  • The Transformation and ReversibleTransformation represent non-reversible and reversible transformations, and it is possible to write such transformations by inheriting from those classes
  • The compose utility function enables transformation composition
  • Two reversible transformations were added:
    • MergeLinears: merges linear layers that have the same input
    • ChangeTrueDivToMulByInverse: changes a division by a static value to a multiplication of its inverse


ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM (#199) allows ONNX export and ONNX Runtime inference for Seq2Seq models.

  • When exported, Seq2Seq models are decomposed into three parts : the encoder, the decoder (actually consisting of the decoder with the language modeling head), and the decoder with pre-computed key/values as additional inputs.
  • This specific export comes from the fact that during the first pass, the decoder has no pre-computed key/values hidden-states, while during the rest of the generation past key/values will be used to speed up sequential decoding.

Below is an example that downloads a T5 model from the Hugging Face Hub, exports it through the ONNX format and saves it :

from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM

# Load model from hub and export it through the ONNX format 
model = ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("t5-small",  from_transformers=True)

# Save the exported model in the given directory


ORTModelForImageClassification (#226) allows ONNX Runtime inference for models with an image classification head.

Below is an example that downloads a ViT model from the Hugging Face Hub, exports it through the ONNX format and saves it :

from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForImageClassification

# Load model from hub and export it through the ONNX format 
model = ORTModelForImageClassification.from_pretrained("google/vit-base-patch16-224",  from_transformers=True)

# Save the exported model in the given directory


Adds support for converting model weights from fp32 to fp16 by adding a new optimization parameter (fp16) to OptimizationConfig (#273).


Additional pipelines tasks are now supported, here is a list of the supported tasks along with the default model for each:

Below is an example that downloads a T5 small model from the Hub and loads it with transformers pipeline for translation :

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, pipeline
from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("optimum/t5-small")
model = ORTModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("optimum/t5-small")
onnx_translation = pipeline("translation_en_to_fr", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

text = "What a beautiful day !"
pred = onnx_translation(text)
# [{'translation_text': "C'est une belle journée !"}]

Breaking change

The ORTModelForXXX execution provider default value is now set to CPUExecutionProvider (#203). Before, if no execution provider was provided, it was set to CUDAExecutionProvider if a gpu was detected, or to CPUExecutionProvider otherwise.

v1.2.3: Patch release

15 Jun 12:36
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  • Remove intel sub-package, migrating to optimum-intel (#212)
  • Fix the loading and saving of ORTModel optimized and quantized models (#214)

v1.2.2: Patch release

02 Jun 13:27
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  • Extend QuantizationPreprocessor to dynamic quantization (#196)
  • Introduce unified approach to create transformers vs optimized models benchmark (#194)
  • Bump huggingface_hub version and protobuf fix (#205)

v1.2.1: Patch release

13 May 10:04
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Add support to Python version 3.7 (#176)