The QMC5883 is a 3-axis compass sensor with a heading accuracy of 1 degree. It is highly useful for various commercial and automotive applications requiring precise heading detection.
- Configure your I2C peripheral to operate at 100 kHz.
- Note that the I2C address of the chip is defined in the file
as:#define QMC_I2C_Address 0x1A
- This code is developed and tested for the QMC5883 sensor and works correctly.
Below is an example of how to integrate and use the QMC5883 library in your STM32 project:
#include "main.h"
#include "QMC5883.h"
I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
QMC_HandleTypedef qmc_sensor;
int main(void)
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */
/* Initialize QMC Sensor */
QMC5883_Init(&qmc_sensor, &hi2c1, QMC_Rate_50);
/* Read QMC5883 */
if(QMC5883_ReadAverage(&qmc_sensor, Max_QMC_AverageCount, 1) == QMC_OK)
printf("$CMP,%d,%d,%d,%03.2f*", qmc_sensor.xaxis, qmc_sensor.yaxis, qmc_sensor.zaxis, qmc_sensor.avg_heading);
/* End read QMC5883 */
- 3-axis heading detection.
- Compatible with STM32 HAL I2C library.
- Tested and verified for QMC5883.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests!