Given the integers zero
, one
, low
, and high
, we can construct a string by starting with an empty string, and then at each step perform either of the following:
- Append the character
times. - Append the character
This can be performed any number of times.
A good string is a string constructed by the above process having a length between low
and high
Return the number of different good strings that can be constructed satisfying these properties. Since the answer can be large, return it modulo 109 + 7
Input: low = 3, high = 3, zero = 1, one = 1 Output: 8 Explanation: One possible valid good string is "011". It can be constructed as follows: "" -> "0" -> "01" -> "011". All binary strings from "000" to "111" are good strings in this example.
Input: low = 2, high = 3, zero = 1, one = 2 Output: 5 Explanation: The good strings are "00", "11", "000", "110", and "011".
1 <= low <= high <= 105
1 <= zero, one <= low
impl Solution {
pub fn count_good_strings(low: i32, high: i32, zero: i32, one: i32) -> i32 {
let (low, high) = (low as usize, high as usize);
let (zero, one) = (zero as usize, one as usize);
let mut dp = vec![0; high + 1];
let mut ret = 0;
dp[0] = 1;
for i in 0..=high {
if i >= low {
ret = (ret + dp[i]) % 1_000_000_007;
if i + zero <= high {
dp[i + zero] = (dp[i + zero] + dp[i]) % 1_000_000_007;
if i + one <= high {
dp[i + one] = (dp[i + one] + dp[i]) % 1_000_000_007;