You have N
gardens, labelled 1
to N
. In each garden, you want to plant one of 4 types of flowers.
paths[i] = [x, y]
describes the existence of a bidirectional path from garden x
to garden y
Also, there is no garden that has more than 3 paths coming into or leaving it.
Your task is to choose a flower type for each garden such that, for any two gardens connected by a path, they have different types of flowers.
Return any such a choice as an array answer
, where answer[i]
is the type of flower planted in the (i+1)
-th garden. The flower types are denoted 1, 2, 3, or 4. It is guaranteed an answer exists.
Input: N = 3, paths = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,1]] Output: [1,2,3]
Input: N = 4, paths = [[1,2],[3,4]] Output: [1,2,1,2]
Input: N = 4, paths = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1],[1,3],[2,4]] Output: [1,2,3,4]
1 <= N <= 10000
0 <= paths.size <= 20000
- No garden has 4 or more paths coming into or leaving it.
- It is guaranteed an answer exists.
impl Solution {
pub fn garden_no_adj(n: i32, paths: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> Vec<i32> {
let mut answer = vec![0; n as usize];
let mut graph = vec![Vec::new(); n as usize];
for path in paths {
graph[path[0] as usize - 1].push(path[1] as usize - 1);
graph[path[1] as usize - 1].push(path[0] as usize - 1);
for i in 0..answer.len() {
let mut choice = 0;
for &neighbor in &graph[i] {
if neighbor < i {
choice |= 1 << (answer[neighbor] - 1);
match choice {
7 => answer[i] = 4,
3|11 => answer[i] = 3,
1|5|9|13 => answer[i] = 2,
_ => answer[i] = 1,