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Some project.clj files not readable/error not friendly? #18

iku000888 opened this issue Aug 23, 2017 · 1 comment

Some project.clj files not readable/error not friendly? #18

iku000888 opened this issue Aug 23, 2017 · 1 comment


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iku000888 commented Aug 23, 2017

Exact steps:

  1. Paste the below project.clj in a fresh directory
  2. run calvin repl containing the project.clj
  3. Get an error


(defproject iku000888/schema "1.1.7-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}

  :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
                                  [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.908"]
                                  ;;[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2760"]
                                  ;;[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.5"]
                                  [org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]
                                  [potemkin "0.4.1"]
                                  [com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.2"]]
                   :plugins [;;[cljsee "0.1.0"]
                             [codox "0.8.8"]
                             [lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]
                             [com.cemerick/clojurescript.test "0.3.1"]]
                   :cljsee {:builds [{:source-paths ["src/cljx"]
                                      :output-path "target/generated/src/clj"
                                      :rules :clj}
                                     {:source-paths ["src/cljx"]
                                      :output-path "target/generated/src/cljs"
                                      :rules :cljs}
                                     {:source-paths ["test/cljx"]
                                      :output-path "target/generated/test/clj"
                                      :rules :clj}
                                     {:source-paths ["test/cljx"]
                                      :output-path "target/generated/test/cljs"
                                      :rules :cljs}]}}
             :1.8 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"] [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3308"]]}
             :1.9 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha5"] [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3308"]]}}

  :aliases {"all" ["with-profile" "dev:dev,1.8:dev,1.9"]
            ;;"deploy" ["do" "clean," "cljsee" "once," "deploy" "clojars"]
            "test" ["do" "clean,"
                    ;;"cljsee" "once,"
                    "test," "with-profile" "dev" "cljsbuild" "test"]}

  :jar-exclusions [#"\.cljx|\.swp|\.swo|\.DS_Store"]

  :lein-release {:deploy-via :shell
                 :shell ["lein" "deploy"]}

  :auto-clean false

  ;;:source-paths ["target/generated/src/clj" "src/clj"]
  :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljx"]

  ;;:resource-paths ["target/generated/src/cljs"]

  ;;:test-paths ["target/generated/test/clj" "test/clj"]
  :test-paths ["test/cljx" "test/clj"]

  :cljsbuild {:test-commands {"unit" ["phantomjs" :runner
                              "unit-no-assert" ["phantomjs" :runner
              {:dev {:source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljx"]
                     :compiler {:output-to "target/main.js"
                                :optimizations :whitespace
                                :pretty-print true}}
               :test {:source-paths ["src/clj" "test/clj"
                                     "src/cljx" "test/cljx"
                      :compiler {:output-to "target/unit-test.js"
                                 :optimizations :whitespace
                                 :pretty-print true}}
               {:source-paths ["src/clj" "test/clj"
                               "src/cljx" "test/cljx"
                :assert false
                :compiler {:output-to "target/unit-test-no-assert.js"
                           :optimizations :whitespace
                           :pretty-print true}}}}

  :codox {:src-uri-mapping {#"target/generated/src/clj" #(str "src/cljx/" % "x")}
          :src-dir-uri ""
          :src-linenum-anchor-prefix "L"}

  :signing {:gpg-key "66E0BF75"})

Error Message

  var c =, a,, a)), d =, cljs.reader.symbol_pattern, c), c = d[0], e = d[1], d = d[2];

TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
    at cljs.reader.read_keyword (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:34968:167)
    at cljs.reader.read_delimited_list (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:34856:33)
    at cljs.reader.read_map (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:34888:43)
    at cljs.reader.read_delimited_list (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:34856:33)
    at cljs.reader.read_list (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:34875:48)
    at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:35021:37)
    at cljs.reader.read_string (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:35034:27)
    at eginez.calvin.core.find_lein_project_configuration (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:38429:37)
    at Function.eginez.calvin.core._main.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:38884:62)
    at Function.eginez.calvin.core._main.cljs$lang$applyTo (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/calvin-cljs/prod/index.js:38906:35)

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Ah, seems like it throws an error if the :dependencies key is missing.

Ideally it would be awesome if I can just drop in calvin to an existing project to see how it does in a sefl host environment, but supporting profiles etc. Does not seem worth it.

(defproject iku000888/schema "1.1.7-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.908"]
                 ;;[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2760"]
                 ;;[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.5"]
                 [org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]
                 [potemkin "0.4.1"]
                 [com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.2"]]

  :aliases {"all" ["with-profile" "dev:dev,1.8:dev,1.9"]
            ;;"deploy" ["do" "clean," "cljsee" "once," "deploy" "clojars"]
            "test" ["do" "clean,"
                    ;;"cljsee" "once,"
                    "test," "with-profile" "dev" "cljsbuild" "test"]}

  :jar-exclusions [#"\.cljx|\.swp|\.swo|\.DS_Store"]

  :lein-release {:deploy-via :shell
                 :shell ["lein" "deploy"]}

  :auto-clean false

  ;;:source-paths ["target/generated/src/clj" "src/clj"]
  :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljx"]

  ;;:resource-paths ["target/generated/src/cljs"]

  ;;:test-paths ["target/generated/test/clj" "test/clj"]
  :test-paths ["test/cljx" "test/clj"]

  :cljsbuild {:test-commands {"unit" ["phantomjs" :runner
                              "unit-no-assert" ["phantomjs" :runner
              {:dev {:source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljx"]
                     :compiler {:output-to "target/main.js"
                                :optimizations :whitespace
                                :pretty-print true}}
               :test {:source-paths ["src/clj" "test/clj"
                                     "src/cljx" "test/cljx"
                      :compiler {:output-to "target/unit-test.js"
                                 :optimizations :whitespace
                                 :pretty-print true}}
               {:source-paths ["src/clj" "test/clj"
                               "src/cljx" "test/cljx"
                :assert false
                :compiler {:output-to "target/unit-test-no-assert.js"
                           :optimizations :whitespace
                           :pretty-print true}}}}

  :codox {:src-uri-mapping {#"target/generated/src/clj" #(str "src/cljx/" % "x")}
          :src-dir-uri ""
          :src-linenum-anchor-prefix "L"}

  :signing {:gpg-key "66E0BF75"})

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