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File metadata and controls

89 lines (80 loc) · 4.34 KB

Propagate fields from parent Jira ticket to sub-tasks


Why do we need this if Jira has automation already?

Could you able use this feature right now? Just right now, without requests to some admin/jira owner/submitting some tickets to someone/etc... I doubt. In a huge company that's almost impossible to change something special for you in short terms.

How to use lazylead for this

Let's assume that

  1. JQL for parent tickets for the propagation: issue in parentsOf("project='PRJ' and 'External ID' is empty") and "External ID" is not empty and updated >-1d.
  2. you've saved this JQL as jira filter with id 222.

For simplicity, we are using docker-compose:

  1. Define yml file with docker-compose configuration in lazylead.yml

    version: '2.3'
        image: dgroup/lazylead:latest
        container_name: lazylead
        mem_limit: 128m
          # The jira server details.
          # Please ensure that your jira filter(s) grants this user to see issues.
          # Sometimes jira filter(s) may be created with restricted visibility, thus
          #  lazylead can't find the issues. 
          jira_user: theuser
          jira_password: thepass
          - ./:/lazylead/db
        # db/ll.db is sqlite file with jira related annoying tasks
        entrypoint: bin/lazylead --sqlite db/ll.db --trace --verbose
  2. Create a container, using docker-compose -f lazylead.yml up The container will stop as there were no tasks provided:

    ll > docker-compose -f lazylead.yml up                                                         
    Creating lazylead ... done
    Attaching to lazylead
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Memory footprint at start is 52MB
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Database: '/lazylead/db/ll.db', sql migration dir: '/lazylead/upgrades/sqlite'
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Migration applied to /lazylead/db/ll.db from /lazylead/upgrades/sqlite
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Database connection established
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] WARN  SMTP connection enabled in test mode.
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] WARN  ll-001: No tasks found.
    lazylead    | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Memory footprint at the end is 66MB
    lazylead exited with code 0
    ll > 
  3. Define your team and tasks in database. The tables structure defined here. Modify you sqlite file(ll.db) using DB Browser or any similar tool.

    insert into teams (id, name, properties) 
               values (1, 'Dream team with lazylead', '{}');
    insert into systems(id, properties)    
               values (1,'{"type":"Lazylead::Jira", "username":"${jira_user}", "password":"${jira_password}", "site":"${jira_url}", "context_path":""}');
    insert into tasks (name, schedule, enabled, id, system, team_id, action, properties)
               values ('Propagate customfield_1 (External ID) to sub-tasks', 
                       'cron:0 8 * * 1-5', 
                       1, 1, 1, 
                       '{"jql":"filter=222", "propagate":"customfield_1"}');

    Yes, for task scheduling we are using cron here, but you may use other scheduling types from rufus-scheduler.

  4. Once you changed ./ll.db, please restart the container using docker-compose -f .github/tasks.yml restart

    ll > docker-compose -f .github/tasks.yml restart
    Restarting lazylead ... done
  5. Once task completed, please check your sub-tasks, they should have customfield_1 and comment like

    The following fields were propagated from <parent-ticket-key>:
    Posted by [lazylead v0.0.0|]]

Where is the code?

Logic Tests
propagate_down.rb propagate_down_test.rb