- This is a sample project to show usage of OData within an ABP based application. It uses Abp.Web.Api.OData nuget package (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Abp.Web.Api.OData)
- It also shows how to host a Web API in an empty web application.
- Restore all nuget packages.
- Set AbpODataDemo.WebHost as startup project
- Open Package Manager Console, set AbpODataDemo.EntityFramework as default project and run Update-Database command.
- Run the application.
- Perform a GET request to http://localhost:61842/odata/Persons to get list of people.
- Perform a GET request to http://localhost:61842/odata/$metadata#Persons to get person metadata.
See http://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/OData-Integration