This project is a frontend e-commerce application using the fake store api.
It is a create-react-app
project that uses TypeScript, Redux toolkit and useContext
for state management.
Tailwind CSS is used for styling, along with flowbite and flowbite react library.
is used for form validation.
RTK Query
is used for data fetching.
react testing library
and jest
are used for unit testing.
is used to display snackbars.
is used for routing.
- Home "./"
- Auth './auth'
- Profile './account' Private route. Only logged in users can access this page.
- Cart './cart'
- Single product page './product/:id'
- Category page './shop/id'
- All products page './product'
The project follows conventional folder structure and naming conventions. It is organized into the following folders:
├── components
│ ├── cart
│ ├── category
│ ├── header
│ ├── product
│ ├── user
│ └── common
├── images
├── misc
- util functions
- types
├── pages
│ ├── account
│ ├── cart
│ ├── home
│ ├── product
│ └── category
├── services
│ ├── authApi
│ ├── productApi
│ └── helpers
├── store
- Display all products piginated and searchable by title.
- Display all products in a category,paginated.
- Display a single product.
- Shopping cart: add, update, remove products. Cart is displayed on '/cart' page, as well as a modal when user adds a product to cart.
- Modify product: add, remove, update product.
is only accessable to logged in users at/account
page.Update and remove is only accessable to users withadmin
role. - Dark mode: toggle dark mode on and off using Context API.
- User authentication: register, login, logout. User can view their profile at
page. It supports login with Google. - User feedback: show snackbars when user login, register, logout, add, remove, update product.
- Scroll to top: show a button to scroll to top when user scrolls down.
- Responsive: the app is responsive and supports mobile, tablet and desktop viewports.
- Unit testing: test reducers and components with
. - Perfomance optimization: use
for search, useRTK Query
for data fetching, configrate caching behavior. - Reusable logic: util functions, custom hooks, and components.
- UI&UX: provide feedback when user modify product(add, remove, update), provide feedback when user login, register, logout. Implement animation and transiton on home page category cards.
- If user auth token found in localstorage, attempt to get user with token.
- If user found, set user in redux store and show user avatar and info in header.
- If user not found, remove token from localstorage and show account icon in header.
- If user clicks account icon, show auth page with login form. User can switch to register form.
- After registration, user is redirected to login form to login.
- After login, user is redirected to account page.
This page shows all the products. It supports pagination and search by product title. Both pagination and search query can be combined. Curently each page container 12 items which is set by the limit
query parameter.
Product page is tested with @testing-library/react
and @testing-library/jest-dom
. Both paginatin and search functionalities are tested.
Includes url query parser,cleanImageUrl,constructQueryUrl, and more.
Includes Button
, Input
, Spinner
, Modal
, ErrorBoundary
, ErrorFallback
, PrivateRoute
, ProtectedRoute
, ProductCard
, ProductList
, ProductPagination
, ProductSearch
, ProductSort
, ProductFilter