Registering a server-side data tunnel schema as a JavaScript context object, and connecting it to data on the server:
# Generate a inst spec
sereth.tunnel.register_spec("Data", "spec_name", schema, initial_data)
# Enable server push (Optional)
sereth.tunnel.enable_push("Data", "spec_name")
# Query a single instance of the script default object by id, and return it as specced
inst_tunnel = sereth.tunnel.get_inst("spec_name", id, params = {})
# Specify a class for the instance instead of using script's default
inst_tunnel = sereth.tunnel.get_inst("Data", "spec_name", id, params = {})
# Note: Page sizing determined by server.
# Query a list of instances, and return a given spec name. Defaults to page 1.
list_tunnel = sereth.tunnel.get_list("spec_name", params = {}, page = null)
# Specify a class for the list instead of using script's default. Defaults to page 1.
list_tunnel = sereth.tunnel.get_list("Data", "spec_name", params = {}, page = null)
Communicating with the server
tunnel.poll() # Query data from the server
tunnel.push() # Send data to the server
tunnel.serverSignal((cur_data) ->) # Fired when server sends a signal
tunnel.dataSent((new_data) ->) # Fired when data from server is changed
tunnel.dataReceived((new_data) ->) # Fired when data from server is changed
tunnel.dataError((cur_data) ->) # Fired when losing syncronization
Querying object data
# Inst
# TODO: Should probably clone :
inst_tunnel.get('path/through/json') #= data_from_server['path']['through']['json']
inst_tunnel.set('path/through/json', value) # Assuming 'json' is a settable value
# Basic iteration will return immediate children of the path. These may be
inst_tunnel.each('path', (name, object)-> ...)
# Deep iteration will return all low-level value objects from the path
inst_tunnel.deep_each('path', (remaining_path, value)-> ...)
# List
# Find a instance of an object by id
inst_tunnel = list_tunnel.find(id)
# Information about the maximum number of items and pages in this list
list_tunnel.inst_count() and list_tunne.page_count()
# Returns array of inst_tunnels, or calls back with each inst in the page or, (inst)-> )
TODO Binding a tunnel to a template
TODO Writing templates
The javascript library provides a browser level interface into the tunnel.
The context joins the communication and operational layers into one congruent system
The communication layer sends and receives data from the server.
Object sync represents a server data instance. Any changes to it can be pulled from the server, or push to the server.
Follows server provided spec. Will only allow updates to settable methods.
In the future may even support server push.
URL with reserved keys to fill in specific data. Used in conjunction with Sync Objects these form the core communication mechanism.
General data object used to export failure information from server to client.
JST based templates with contextual code.
Binds a server object type with a set of templates assigned to rendering different views into an object
Handle multiple distinct views that are part of a single operational flow