- NREL_5MW_CPC.prj/prx GH Bladed project of a 5MW turbine
- wind012.wnd Sample 12 m/s turbulent wind file (Bladed)
Refer to README.txt file in the folder (Credits and thanks to J. Butterworth, Envision Energy)
- DISCON_Empty.slx Empty controller file, including all available inputs and outputs
- DISCON_NREL5MW.slx Baseline NREL5MW controller for use with Bladed or OpenFAST
- Parameters_NREL5MW.mat Parameters needed for compilation of the controller
- discon.c C file (needed for the generation of DISCON.DLL from a Simulink model)
- discon.tlc TLC file (needed for the generation of DISCON.DLL from a Simulink model)
- discon_vc.tmf TMF file (needed for the generation of DISCON.DLL from a Simulink model)
- GH Bladed
- MATLAB / Simulink, tested with 2018b, but might also work with other versions
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010
1a. For 32-bit DLL compilation, install Windows Windows SDK 7.1, and see further instructions in the "Simulink_32bit\README.txt" file: https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/101105-how-do-i-install-microsoft-windows-sdk-7-1
- For 64-bit compilation, download the latest 64-bit MATLAB version (tested with 2018b) and install the MinGW compiler: https://nl.mathworks.com/support/compilers.html
- Open MATLAB and load the Parameters_NREL5MW.mat in your current workspace
- Change your current folder to the .\Simulink_files folder
- Open DISCON_xxx.slx in Simulink
- Press CTRL-B to build a DLL
Note: When compiling a 32-bit DISCON DLL, you can use the DLL with Bladed and a 32-bit version of OpenFAST (fast_win32.exe). When you use a 64-bit version of MATLAB, the compiled DLL will also be 64-bit, which is incompatible with Bladed, but compatible with 64-bit OpenFAST (openfast_x64.exe).
- Do not change the names of the inputs and outputs blocks in DISCON_xxx.slx
- Do not change the name DISCON_xxx.slx to DISCON.slx (all other names are allowed)
When you use DISCON_Simulink in any publication, please cite the following paper:
- Mulders, S.P. and Zaaijer, M.B. and Bos, R. and van Wingerden, J.W. "Wind turbine control: open-source software for control education, standardization and compilation". Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1452. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2020. Link to the paper
Sebastiaan Mulders [email protected] Delft Center of Systems and Control Delft University of Technology
Credits to:
Ivo Houtzager Delft Center of Systems and Control Delft University of Technology
Jeffrey Butterworth, Ph.D. (Support in making 32 bit compilation possible with a 64 bit MATLAB) Envision Energy 1919 14th Street, Suite 800 Boulder, CO 80302