This repo includes the following repo as a composer dependency
This repo includes all the data that the API serves. All data updates go through that repo via pull requests.
Nginx, php5-fpm, MySQL >5.5
Clone the repository
Follow instucrions here or, if you use Ubuntu just do:
Install setfacl
sudo apt-get install acl
Setup permission
Install composer globally
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Run composer install
composer install
NOTE: You will be prompted to enter paramaters config data. (The installer also installs the app/config/paramaters.yml file)
- mailer_* leave as default
- locale leave as default
Go to config folder
cd etc/
Copy distribution file
cp nginx.conf.dist nginx.conf
Update your:
- project paths
- php-fpm sock file path
- server_name (I recommend dashboard.lan, with an alias in /etc/hosts file)
First setup the schema:
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
Run fixtures import
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Then run the data import:
php app/console papi:loadData
Install Deployer
curl -LO
mv deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep
Setup your ssh connection
nano ~/.ssh/config
Then just deploy
dep deploy production