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Grammar railroad diagram #1

mingodad opened this issue Jul 20, 2021 · 20 comments

Grammar railroad diagram #1

mingodad opened this issue Jul 20, 2021 · 20 comments


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mingodad commented Jul 20, 2021

Using CocoR ( parser generator to create a grammar for this project and generating a kind of EBNF accepted by we can see a railroad diagram by copy and paste the EBNF shown bellow on in the tab Edit Grammar then switching to the tab View Diagram.

// EBNF generated by CocoR parser generator to be viewed with

// productions

Neat ::= module EOF 
module ::= "module" ident_doted ";" ( parseModuleBody )* 
ident_doted ::= ident ( "." ident )* 
parseModuleBody ::= ( ( "public" | "private" ) )? ( parseClassDecl | parseIntfDecl | parseTemplateDecl | parseExtern | parseDeclaration | parseEnumDecl | parseMacroContinuation | parseFunction | parseUnitTest ) 
parseClassDecl ::= ( abstract_final )? "class" ident ( ":" ident ( "," ident )* )? "{" ( ( override_abstract )? ( access_modifier )? ( parseDeclaration | ( "this" | parseType ident ) ( "(" parseParamList ")" parseStatement | ( "," ident )* ";" ) ) )* "}" 
parseIntfDecl ::= "interface" ident ( ":" ident ( "," ident )* )? "{" ( ( parseDeclaration | parseType ident "(" parseParamList ")" ";" ) )* "}" 
parseTemplateDecl ::= ( "template" ident "(" ident ")" "{" parseClassDecl | parseFunction "}" ) 
parseExtern ::= "extern" "(" "C" ")" parseType ident "(" ( parseIdentifierList )? ")" ";" 
parseDeclaration ::= ( parseImportStatement | parseAliasDecl | parseStructDecl ) 
parseEnumDecl ::= "enum" ident "{" ident ( "," ident )* "}" 
parseMacroContinuation ::= "macro" "(" ident ")" ";" parseModuleBody 
parseFunction ::= parseType ident "(" ( parseIdentifierList )? ")" parseStatement 
parseUnitTest ::= "unittest" parseStatement 
parseImportStatement ::= ( "macro" )? "import" ( "package" "(" ident ")" "." )? ident_doted ":" ident ( string )? ( "," ident )* ";" 
abstract_final ::= ( "abstract" ( "final" )? | "final" ( "abstract" )? ) 
override_abstract ::= ( "override" ( "abstract" )? | "abstract" ( "override" )? ) 
access_modifier ::= ( "public" | "private" | "protected" ) 
parseType ::= parseLeafType ( "*" )* ( ( ( "function" | "delegate" ) "(" ( parseType ( "," parseType )* )? ")" | "[" "]" | "!" parseType ) )? 
parseParamList ::= parseParam ( "," parseParam )* 
parseStatement ::= ( parseReturn | parseIf | parseBreakCont | parseWhile | parseForPrefix | parseScope | parseDeclaration | parseNestedFunctionDecl | parseStatementStatement | parseMultiVarDecl | parseAssignStatement | parseWithStatement | parseEitherCaseStmt | parseExprStatement ) 
parseIdentifierList ::= parseIdentifierTyped ( "," parseIdentifierTyped )* 
parseAliasDecl ::= "alias" ident "=" parseType parseExpression ";" 
parseStructDecl ::= "struct" ident "{" ( ( static_public_private )? ( "this" | "~this" | parseType ident ) ( "(" parseParamList ")" | ( "," ident )* ) ";" )* "}" 
parseReturn ::= "return" ( parseExpression )? ";" 
parseIf ::= "if" "(" ( parseVarDecl | parseExpression ) ")" parseStatement ( "else" parseStatement )? 
parseBreakCont ::= ( "break" | "continue" ) ";" 
parseWhile ::= "while" "(" parseExpression ")" parseStatement 
parseForPrefix ::= "for" "(" ( parseExtFor | parseFor ) ")" parseStatement 
parseScope ::= "{" ( parseStatement )* "}" 
parseNestedFunctionDecl ::= parseFunction 
parseStatementStatement ::= "$stmt" ident ";" 
parseMultiVarDecl ::= ( "mut" )? ( "auto" | parseType ) parseVarInitialization ( "," parseVarInitialization )* ";" 
parseAssignStatement ::= parseAssignment ";" 
parseWithStatement ::= "with" "(" parseExpression ")" parseStatement 
parseEitherCaseStmt ::= parseExpressionLeaf "case" "{" ( parseType ident ":" parseStatement )* "}" 
parseExprStatement ::= parseExpression ";" 
parseParam ::= ( "this." | ( "mut" )? parseType ) ident 
parseLeafType ::= ( parseTupleType | "Vector" "(" parseType "," parseExpression ")" | "typeof" "(" parseExpression ")" | "long" | "int" | "short" | "char" | "ubyte" | "void" | "float" ) 
parseTupleType ::= "(" parseTupleTypeElm ( "," parseTupleTypeElm )* ")" 
parseExpression ::= parseArithmetic 
parseTupleTypeElm ::= parseType ident 
parseIdentifierTyped ::= ( "mut" )? parseType ( ident )? 
static_public_private ::= ( "static" )? ( "public" | "private" ) 
parseVarDecl ::= ( "mut" )? ( "auto" | parseType ) parseVarInitialization 
parseExtFor ::= ( "auto" | parseType ) ident "<-" parseExpression ( ".." parseExpression )? 
parseFor ::= parseVarDecl ";" parseExpression ";" parseAssignment 
parseAssignment ::= parseExpressionLeaf assign_ops parseExpression 
parseVarInitialization ::= ( "=" parseExpression | ident "=" parseExpression ) 
parseExpressionLeaf ::= ( ( "*" | "&" | "!" | "-" | "--" ) parseExpressionLeaf | "new" parseType "(" parseArgumentList ")" | "sizeof" "(" parseType ")" | "cast" "(" parseType ")" | parseTupleExpression | parseExpressionIncDec ( parseProperties )? ) 
assign_ops ::= ( "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "~=" ) 
parseArgumentList ::= ident_cmp_assign ( "," ident_cmp_assign )* 
parseTupleExpression ::= "(" parseExpression ( "," parseExpression )* ")" 
parseExpressionIncDec ::= ( ( "++" | "--" ) )? parseExpressionBase 
parseProperties ::= ( parseInstanceOf | parseEitherCaseExpr | parseCall | parseMember | parseIndex | parseTemplateInstantiation ) 
parseInstanceOf ::= "instanceOf" "(" parseType ")" 
parseEitherCaseExpr ::= "case" "(" parseEitherCaseElm ( "," parseEitherCaseElm )* ")" 
parseCall ::= "(" ( parseArgumentList )? ")" 
parseMember ::= "." ident 
parseIndex ::= "[" parseExpression ( ".." parseExpression )? "]" 
parseTemplateInstantiation ::= "!" parseType 
parseEitherCaseElm ::= parseType ident ":" "return" parseExpression 
ident_cmp_assign ::= parseExpression ( ( "=" | "==" ) parseExpression )? 
parseExpressionBase ::= ( "." ident | "__HERE__" | "super" | ident ( ":" ident )? | string | floatcon | intcon | charcon | parseStatementExpr | "(" parseExpression ")" | parseArrayLiteral ) 
parseStatementExpr ::= "({" ( parseStatement )* "})" 
parseArrayLiteral ::= "[" parseExpression ( "," parseExpression )* "]" 
parseArithmetic ::= parseExpressionLeaf ( parseBoolOr )? 
parseBoolOr ::= parseBoolAnd ( "||" parseBoolAnd )* 
parseBoolAnd ::= parseComparison ( "&&" parseComparison )* 
parseComparison ::= parseBitShift ( ( "==" | "!=" | "is" | "!is" | ">=" | ">" | "<=" | "<" ) parseBitShift )* 
parseBitShift ::= parseAddSubCat ( ( "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" ) parseAddSubCat )* 
parseAddSubCat ::= parseMulDiv ( ( "+" | "-" | "~" ) parseMulDiv )* 
parseMulDiv ::= parseBitOr ( ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) parseBitOr )* 
parseBitOr ::= parseBitAnd ( "|" parseBitAnd )* 
parseBitAnd ::= parseExpressionLeaf ( "&" parseExpressionLeaf )* 

// tokens

The CocoR parser so far:

#include "Scanner.nut"



	letter     = 'A'..'Z' + 'a'..'z' + '_'.
	oct        = '0'..'7'.
	digit      = '0'..'9'.
	nzdigit    = '1'..'9'.
	hex        = digit + 'a'..'f' + 'A'..'F'.
	notQuote   = ANY - '"' - "\r\n".
	notApo     = ANY - '\'' - "\r\n".

	tab        = '\t'.
	cr         = '\r'.
	lf         = '\n'.
	newLine    = cr + lf.
	notNewLine = ANY - newLine .
	ws         = " " + tab + '\u000b' + '\u000c'.

	ident    = letter {letter | digit}.

	floatcon = ( '.' digit {digit} [('e'|'E')  ['+'|'-'] digit {digit}]
						 | digit {digit} '.' {digit} [('e'|'E')  ['+'|'-'] digit {digit}]
						 | digit {digit} ('e'|'E')  ['+'|'-'] digit {digit}

	intcon   = ( nzdigit {digit}
						 | '0' {oct}
						 | ("0x"|"0X") hex {hex}

	string   = '"' {notQuote} '"'.        // no check for valid escape sequences

	charcon  = '\'' notApo {notApo} '\''. // no check for valid escape sequences



IGNORE cr + lf + tab



Neat =

module =
	"module" ident_doted ';' {parseModuleBody}

parseModuleBody =
	["public" | "private"] (
		| parseIntfDecl
		| parseTemplateDecl
		| parseExtern
		| parseDeclaration
		| parseEnumDecl
		| parseMacroContinuation
		| parseFunction
		| parseUnitTest

parseImportStatement =
	["macro"] "import" ["package" '(' ident ')' '.'] ident_doted ':' ident [string] {',' ident} ';'

ident_doted =
	ident {'.' ident}

parseClassDecl =
	[abstract_final] "class" ident [':' ident {',' ident}]
	'{' {
		[override_abstract]  [access_modifier] (
			| ("this" | parseType ident) ('(' parseParamList ')' parseStatement | {',' ident} ';')
	} '}'

abstract_final =
	"abstract" ["final"]
	| "final" ["abstract"]

override_abstract =
	"override" ["abstract"]
	| "abstract" ["override"]

access_modifier =
	| "private"
	| "protected"

parseIntfDecl =
	"interface" ident [':' ident {',' ident}]
	'{' {
		| parseType ident '(' parseParamList ')'  ';'
	} '}'

parseTemplateDecl =
	"template" ident '(' ident ')'
		| parseFunction

parseExtern =
	"extern" '(' 'C' ')' parseType ident '(' [parseIdentifierList] ')' ';'

parseDeclaration =
	| parseAliasDecl
	| parseStructDecl

parseEnumDecl =
	"enum" ident '{' ident {',' ident} '}'

parseMacroContinuation =
	"macro" '(' ident ')' ';' parseModuleBody

parseFunction =
	parseType ident '(' [parseIdentifierList] ')' parseStatement

parseUnitTest =
	"unittest" parseStatement

parseStatement =
	| parseIf
	| parseBreakCont
	| parseWhile
	| parseForPrefix
	| parseScope
	| parseDeclaration
	| parseNestedFunctionDecl
	| parseStatementStatement
	| parseMultiVarDecl
	| parseAssignStatement
	| parseWithStatement
	| parseEitherCaseStmt
	| parseExprStatement

parseParamList =
	parseParam {',' parseParam}

parseParam =
	("this." | ["mut"] parseType) ident

parseType =
	parseLeafType {"*"} [
		("function" | "delegate") '(' [parseType {',' parseType}] ')'
		| '[' ']'
		| '!' parseType

parseLeafType =
	| "Vector" '(' parseType ',' parseExpression ')'
	| "typeof" '(' parseExpression ')'
	//| ident {':' ident}
	| "long"
	| "int"
	| "short"
	| "char"
	| "ubyte"
	| "void"
	| "float"

parseTupleType =
	'(' parseTupleTypeElm {',' parseTupleTypeElm} ')'

parseTupleTypeElm =
	parseType ident

parseIdentifierList =
	parseIdentifierTyped {',' parseIdentifierTyped}

parseIdentifierTyped =
	["mut"] parseType [ident]

parseAliasDecl =
	"alias" ident '=' parseType parseExpression ';'

parseStructDecl =
	"struct" ident
	'{' {
		[static_public_private] ("this" | "~this" | parseType ident) ('(' parseParamList ')' | {',' ident}) ';'
	} '}'

static_public_private =
	["static"] ("public" | "private")

parseReturn =
	"return" [parseExpression] ';'

parseIf =
	"if" '(' (parseVarDecl | parseExpression) ')' parseStatement ["else" parseStatement]

parseBreakCont =
	("break" | "continue") ';'

parseWhile =
	"while" '(' parseExpression ')' parseStatement

parseForPrefix =
	"for" '(' (parseExtFor | parseFor) ')' parseStatement

parseExtFor =
	("auto" | parseType) ident "<-" parseExpression [".." parseExpression]

parseFor =
	parseVarDecl ';' parseExpression ';' parseAssignment

parseScope =
	'{' {parseStatement} '}'

parseNestedFunctionDecl =

parseStatementStatement =
	"$stmt" ident ';'

parseMultiVarDecl =
	["mut"] ("auto" | parseType) parseVarInitialization {',' parseVarInitialization} ';'

parseAssignStatement =
	parseAssignment ';'

parseWithStatement =
	"with" '(' parseExpression ')' parseStatement

parseEitherCaseStmt =
	parseExpressionLeaf "case"
	'{' {
		parseType ident ':' parseStatement
	} '}'

parseExprStatement =
	parseExpression ';'

parseVarDecl =
	["mut"] ("auto" | parseType) parseVarInitialization

parseAssignment =
	parseExpressionLeaf assign_ops parseExpression

assign_ops =
	| "+="
	| "-="
	| "*="
	| "/="
	| "~="

parseVarInitialization =
	'=' parseExpression
	| ident '=' parseExpression

parseExpressionLeaf =
	('*' | '&' | '!' | '-' | "--") parseExpressionLeaf
	| "new" parseType '(' parseArgumentList ')'
	| "sizeof" '(' parseType ')'
	| "cast" '(' parseType ')'
	| parseTupleExpression
	| parseExpressionIncDec [parseProperties]

parseProperties =
	| parseEitherCaseExpr
	| parseCall
	| parseMember
	| parseIndex
	| parseTemplateInstantiation

parseInstanceOf =
	"instanceOf" '(' parseType ')'

parseEitherCaseExpr =
	"case" '(' parseEitherCaseElm {',' parseEitherCaseElm}  ')'

parseEitherCaseElm =
	parseType ident ":" "return" parseExpression

parseCall =
	'(' [parseArgumentList] ')'

parseMember =
	'.' ident

parseIndex =
	'[' parseExpression [".." parseExpression] ']'

parseTemplateInstantiation =
	'!' parseType

parseArgumentList =
	ident_cmp_assign {',' ident_cmp_assign}

ident_cmp_assign =
	parseExpression [('=' | "==") parseExpression]
	//| parseExpression

parseExpressionBase =
	'.' ident
	| "__HERE__"
	//| "$"
	| "super"
	| ident [':'ident]
	| string
	| floatcon
	| intcon
	| charcon
	| parseStatementExpr
	| '(' parseExpression ')'
	| parseArrayLiteral

parseStatementExpr =
	"({" {parseStatement} "})"

parseExpression =

parseArithmetic =
	parseExpressionLeaf [parseBoolOr]
		| parseBitOr
		| parseMulDiv
		| parseAddSubCat
		| parseBitShift
		| parseComparison
		| parseBoolAnd
		| parseBoolOr

parseBoolOr =
	parseBoolAnd {"||" parseBoolAnd}

parseBoolAnd =
	parseComparison {"&&" parseComparison}

parseComparison =
	parseBitShift {("==" | "!=" | "is" | "!is" | ">=" | ">" | "<=" | "<" ) parseBitShift}

parseBitShift =
	parseAddSubCat {("<<" | ">>" | ">>>") parseAddSubCat}

parseAddSubCat =
	parseMulDiv {('+' | '-' | '~') parseMulDiv}

parseMulDiv =
	parseBitOr {('*' | '/' | '%') parseBitOr}

parseBitOr =
	parseBitAnd {'|' parseBitAnd}

parseBitAnd =
	parseExpressionLeaf {'&' parseExpressionLeaf}

parseTupleExpression =
	'(' parseExpression {',' parseExpression} ')'

parseExpressionIncDec =
	["++" | "--"] parseExpressionBase

parseArrayLiteral =
	'[' parseExpression {',' parseExpression} ']'

END Neat.
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This is really cool!! But keeping in mind that macros can accept arbitrary syntax, I'm not sure if it's very viable for parsing?

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The thing is to get somehow a formal grammar to help guide development/documentation/debug and other people to understand it.

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Right, and my point is that any formal grammar will always be incomplete, because a macro can always come in and add new syntax.

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I can see that you already used rdparse in, in my opinion CocoR is like rdparse with some extra nice things.

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Any parser generator will run into the issue that code may add new grammar rules at compiletime.

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I can see your point, but again the users will always start (can count) with the basic/standard syntax to start with.

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Sure. - I mean, by all means, have fun with it. :)

I'll maybe look into a way to embed railroad diagrams in markdown when I start getting into writing detailed documentation.

Though, keep in mind that this is pre-alpha and parts of the syntax will plausibly change.

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No problem that's the idea having fun and if something useful come out of it that's a premium !

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By the way I'm trying compile jerboa on ubuntu 18.04 and I'm getting this so far (I'm looking at it now), have abandoned jerboa ?

jerboa/src/vm/dump.c:122:10: error: ‘INSTR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘INSTR_SET_CONSTRAINT’?
  122 |     case INSTR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT:
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |          INSTR_SET_CONSTRAINT
/home/mingo/dev/c/A_programming-languages/jerboa/src/vm/dump.c:122:10: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in

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In the enum InstrType there is no INSTR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT maybe you forgot to commit something ?

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It seems that this project is another iteration of

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I was thinking of when I saw rdparser on jeboa repository.

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Manually adding INSTR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT to the enum InstrType allow the build process to go further but then it stops here:

Building C object CMakeFiles/repl.dir/src/vm/runtime.c.o
jerboa/src/vm/runtime.c:215:10: fatal error: vm/instrs/float_math.h: No such file or directory
  215 | #include "vm/instrs/float_math.h"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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FeepingCreature commented Jul 20, 2021

Yeah man I haven't touched Jerboa in like three actual years, I think I left a bunch of stuff uncommitted. Maybe go back a few commits? One commit back should do.

Jerboa was never as fast as I wanted, so I lost interest in it.

rdparser is just a recursive descent parser lib.

This project only shares its name with fcc. I couldn't find a good language name, so I just reused the last one I used. But it's a totally separate codebase.

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I can see that this commit introduces the actuall missing include:


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When I saw Neat-Lang it's like Nim in spirit with a more familiar syntax, I have attempted once do that with nim but their compiler/code generator code was not easy to follow (the bootstrap break if we don't follow some precautions).

I also once embraced D but was burnt by it's constant change without backward compatibility or bug fixes.

I hope you can achieve a nice simple and nice to work programming language with Neat, I once did a refactoring to tinycc to make it reentrant and for easy development using tinycc could be an interesting option.

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FeepingCreature commented Jul 20, 2021

Yay! :)

Yeah we use D at my day job. I think it's pretty stable by now, honestly, and most of the really egregious errors have been fixed by now IMO, but the compiler is sometimes not a joy to work on.

Neat's bootstrap is pretty sensitive as well. I think at some point I should just throw it out and rebootstrap off the generated C files.

I tried to get Jerboa to work again, and it's just completely fucked with three years of bitrot. Sorry.

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I noticed that there is no individual char representation like in C (ex: '\n') is this a expected feature of Neat or only it 's not yet implemented ?

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Yeah I just haven't gotten around to that yet. Lazyyy. I just use "\n"[0] everywhere rn.

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I just created a railroad diagram from D based on and posted it here dlang/ (comment) maybe it can help you somehow.

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