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File metadata and controls

109 lines (92 loc) · 5.82 KB

Contribution Guide

You want to contribute to LSS-Manager? Here are some tips on how to contribute!

Hint: There is a new guide available in our Wiki that helps with translating. The content of this file will be merged with it soon.

If you got any questions on contributing, you can contact LSSM Team at any time!

Do NOT work on master branch or create branches from master branch. Do always use dev as reference!

Please keep this file up to date!


Please use ESLint before committing files!

Doing first translation for a new locale

replace xx_XX with the lang-code


  1. Create a folder /docs/xx_XX
  2. Copy all files from /docs/en_US into your new folder
    • do not copy the /docs/en_US/modules/ folder!
  3. Start translating each file in /docs/xx_XX

the main i18n file

  1. duplicate the file /src/i18n/en_US.ts to /src/i18n/xx_XX.ts
  2. Translate each key. Do not forget to escape ' to \'.
    • example: key: 'A value that\'s containing a singlequote',
  3. Special keys:
    • vehicles
      • Add all vehicles in correct order in here. Correct order is same order as shown in vehicle_graphics. (Ordered by ID).
      • Each vehicle must contain caption, color, coins, credits, minPersonnel and maxPersonnel.
      • If the vehicle carries water, add how much with key wtank.
      • If there is something special about that vehicle, add the special key.
      • Vehicles that require a schooling do need a key schooling. The text must be exactly what is shown in the schoolings market!
        • The attribute shownSchooling must be what is shown in the personnel list of a station. As the texts can be different from each other, we require both keys.
    • buildings
      • Add all buildings in correct order in here (Ordered by ID).
      • Ask a LSSM Team member for help with buildings. They are more complex if you are not familiar with JavaScript / TypeScript!
      • Buildings need keys caption, color, coins, credits, expansions (see below), levelcost, maxBuildings, maxLevel, special, startPersonnel and startVehicles.
      • Some buildings can get a maxBuildingsFunction
      • Expansions need to be sorted by Expansion-ID and contain caption, credits, coins, duration. Some expansions can get a maxExtensionsFunction
    • buildingCategories
      • The categories for dashboard. each category has a color and buildings which is a list of the IDs of building-types that belong to this category.
    • vehicleCategories
      • Each category as a color similar to buildingCategories.
      • The vehicles attribute is an object where keys are the names of the vehicle group, value is a list of vehicle-type IDs
    • small_buildings
      • key: the type of station that has a small version
      • value: the ID of the small station
    • vehicleBuildings
      • List of all buildings you can put vehicles on
    • cellBuildings
      • List of all buildings you can build cells for prisoners at
    • cellExtensions
      • List of all extensions that can be cells. Requires strings of format <BuildingType>_<ExtensionID>
    • bedBuildings
      • List of all buildings that can treat patients
    • schoolBuildings
      • List of all buildings that are schools
    • dispatchCenterBuildings
      • List of all buildings that work as dispatch centers
    • schoolings
      • key: type of the school
      • Value: object with caption and duration of each schooling at that school
    • fmsReal2Show
      • if a fms_real value is different from a fms_show value, map that here.
    • buildingIcons
    • pois
      • list all POIs ordered by ID
    • only_alliance_missions
      • list of all mission types that are alliance only
    • transfer_missions
      • list of all missions that are transfer missions

each module

for each module in /src/modules/ there is a i18n folder containing a root-file for each locale and optionally a normal file. Example: en_US.root.json and en_US.ts.

Duplicate both files and replace the en_US part with your locale. You can then start translating.

Also each module contains a docs folder. Add a file in there and start writing a page for the Wiki. You can of course use existing Wiki pages for reference.

How and where to add new vehicles/buildings/schoolings when they are added to the game?


  • The main i18n file of the lang:
    • add the caption and a fitting color.
      • The color should fit to the color of the building.
      • Create a new category if needed - choose a fitting color by yourself therefore.
    • add costs, min- and max-personnel as well as the required schooling and if needed also a special attribute
    • Have a look at existing vehicles
  • Add the vehicle to the requirement list in the i18n file of module extendedCallWindow


  • The main i18n file of the lang:
    • add the caption and a fitting color.
      • Choose a color that fits to other colors of that organization-category.
      • Create a new category if needed - choose a fitting color by yourself therefore.
    • add costs, extensions and further attributes provided in existing buildings.
    • Add, if needed, to further ID-Lists provided in the file.
      • example: If it is a building that has beds (such as a hospital), add it to bedBuildings.
    • Add a fitting Icon for the building in buildingIcons


  • Add the schooling to the main i18n file of your language.
    • If a new school is used, add a new key for the school.