Communication between Express & Flask
Create a route in Express
Load the request
Call the Flask API using request
The response from Flask will be in body
Send the Flask response back to the original caller with res.send(body)
var request = require ( 'request' ) ;
app . get ( '/users' , function ( req , res ) {
request ( 'http://url-to-your-flask-app/data/3' , function ( err , resp , body ) {
res . send ( body ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Install Flask pip install flask
Install Postgres library pip install psycopg2
or conda install psycopg2
Create a
from flask import Flask , request , json , jsonify
app = Flask (__name__ )
import sys
sys .path .append ('.' )
from user import User
@app .route ("/users/<id>" , methods = ['GET' ])
def money (id ):
rows = User .money (id )
return jsonify (rows = rows )
if __name__ == "__main__" :
app .run (debug = True , host = '' )
, will be used to talk to the Postgres database
import psycopg2
class User :
def money (id ):
conn = psycopg2 .connect ("dbname=ge_sales_dev user=postgres password=chyld host=" )
cur = conn .cursor ()
cur .execute ('SELECT * FROM "Sales" where user_id = ' + id + ';' )
data = cur .fetchall ()
cur .close ()
conn .close ()
return data