- Login to GitHub and navigate to repositaries to create a new one
- Clone the repo to a local directory and open in VS Code
dotnet new webapi --no-https
Ctrl+Shift+P for Windows
CMD+Shift+P for Windows
- Search for docker file to add dockerfile to the workspace
- Push the code to your GitHub repo using the Git extention of VS Code
docker login bcglabacr01.azurecr.io
Username: bcglabacr01
Password: vQign8/X5HO3XhfXFWFW05CtHqpYV+dM
docker images
docker tag <source image> bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/<target image>:<tag>
docker push bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/<target image>:<tag>
- Click on Actions
- Create new action using the Docker template -> click on configure
- Use the below yaml to create the CI defination for building and pushing the docker image to Azure container registry:
name: Docker Image CI
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build the Docker image
run: docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/workingwithacr:latest
- name: Azure Container Registry Login
uses: Azure/docker-login@v1
# Container registry username
username: bcglabacr01
# Container registry password
password: vQign8/X5HO3XhfXFWFW05CtHqpYV+dM
# Container registry server url
login-server: bcglabacr01.azurecr.io
- name: Push Image
run: docker push bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/workingwithacr:latest
** Commit into the readme file of your repo to trigger the action automatically
Az login
Az account set -s <id>
Az account show
az account set --subscription b214611b-9a79-4e7e-afb0-3d9785737f10
az aks get-credentials --resource-group VMware-RG --name vmwareaks01
- Sample .NET Core Web App image:
docker run -it --rm -p 8000:80 --name aspnetcore_sample mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/samples:aspnetapp
docker login bcglabacr01.azurecr.io
Username: bcglabacr01
Password: vQign8/X5HO3XhfXFWFW05CtHqpYV+dM
docker images
docker tag <source image> bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/<target image>:<tag>
docker push bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/<target image>:<tag>
- Deploy the app:
kubectl create deployment <your-name>01 --image=bcglabacr01.azurecr.io/<your-image-name>:v1 --replicas=2
kubectl get deployments
kubectl describe deployment <your-deployment-name>
kubectl expose deployment < your-deployment-name> --type=LoadBalancer --port=80 --target-port=80 #map service port 80 to container port 80
kubectl scale deployment < your-deployment-name> --replicas=3
- Add deployment.yaml -- Generate the YAML file using K8s extention
- Add service.yaml -- Generate the YAML file using K8s extention
- Apply the above desired state:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
- Copy the contents of the Kubeconfig and create a repositary secret in GitHub - KUBECONFIG:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group VMware-RG --name vmwareaks01 -f kubeconfig-ss
- Add new stage to docker-image.yml:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build_push_image # Will wait for the execution of the previous job
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Kubernetes set context
uses: Azure/k8s-set-context@v1
kubeconfig: ${{secrets.KUBECONFIG}} # Grab the auth token from GitHub secrets
id: login
#Declarative Deployment-02
- name: Kubernetes Deployment
run: kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- name: Service Deployment
run: kubectl apply -f service.yaml