This package contains the CLI for Enclosed, an open-source project that aims to provide a simple and secure way to share e2e encrypted notes.
To install the CLI, run the following command:
# Basic usage
enclosed create "Hello, World!"
# Using stdin
cat file.txt | enclosed create
# With full options
enclosed create --deleteAfterReading --password "password" --ttl 3600 "Hello, World!"
# By default, the CLI uses the public instance at
enclosed config set instance-url
enclosed <command> [options]
# Basic usage
enclosed create "Hello, World!"
# Using stdin
cat file.txt | enclosed create --stdin
# or
cat file.txt | enclosed create -s
# To add files as attachments
enclosed create --file file1.txt --file file2.txt "Hello, World!"
# With full options
enclosed create --file file1.txt --deleteAfterReading --password "password" --ttl 3600 "Hello, World!"
# Get more information about the command
enclosed create --help
# or
enclosed create -h
# The password will be prompted if the note is password-protected
enclosed view <note-url>
# Or you can provide the password directly
enclosed view --password "password" <note-url>
# By default, the CLI uses the public instance at
enclosed config set instance-url
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
This project is crafted with ❤️ by Corentin Thomasset.