To create a new page, you can start by creating a new component under /client/src/pages
folder. Either a folder or a file. Preferred to a folder.
Then you can add a new route under the client/src/routes/index.js
file with the appropriate location
You can either place that under any of the existing layout or create a new layout component and place that in here. Whenever creating a layout, you should always use outlet
to let react know where to push a child component
A page can have multiple components under it, in that case you can place your component under client/src/components/[Page-Name]/[Component-Name].jsx
There can be multiple components for the same page
Always use a theme to give colors and bordered to your components
To customize the theme you can edit/add more variables in file client/src/theme/theme.js
To change in the provided setting for multi theme project, you can customized client/src/theme/index.js
To change in typography you can edit in client/src/theme/typography.js
To change in shadow you can edit in client/src/theme/shadows.js
To connect your page to store you need to create two more files i.e
Take a reference from other reducers and saga
and then you need to add that in your