All positions within Bitcoin Cash workgroups are voluntary and obtained by doing that job. The following is a list of positions and what it means to be filling that position (duties and responsibilities)
The duties of the Chairperson of any workgroup is to schedule regular meetings, and to help facilitate communication. This person should be proficient with a video conference tool, and able to kindly translate between engineers who are talking past each other.
This position should record the major points at each meeting, and prepare a report for the larger Bitcoin Cash developer community. This is to ensure that Bitcoin Cash developers which are not directly involved in a particular workgroup are kept informed. Reports should be brief and to the point. They should include:
- A summary of what has been accomplished since the last meeting.
- What plans the group has resolved to accomplish.
- Items which is blocking group progress.
This role is responsible for maintaining roll call at each meeting, and maintaining a contact list should an attendee need to be contacted for whatever reason.