All changes have to be made on «master» branch.
- Update the package version by running
npm version patch|minor
. This command returns a new package version. Let assume it's 2.3.4 - Push changes to github and merge them to the «master» branch
- Go to
- Click the «Choose tag» button and create a new tag according to the version in package.json, for example v2.3.4
- Make sure the release target is the «master» branch
- Paste the release tag into the «Release title» field, for example v2.3.4
- Add a release description
- Click the «Publish release» button
- Go to and wait for completing the release workflow
All changes have to be made on «plugin-v1» branch.
- Update the package version by running
npm version patch|minor
. This command returns a new package version. Let assume it's 1.2.3 - Push changes to github and merge them to the «plugin-v1» branch
- Go to
- Click the «Choose tag» button and create a new tag according to the version in package.json, for example v1.2.3
- Make sure the release target is the «plugin-v1» branch
- Paste the release tag into the «Release title» field, for example v1.2.3
- Add a release description
- Unset the «Set as the latest release» checkbox because version 1 release can't be the latest
- Click the «Publish release» button
- Go to and wait for completing the release workflow